About JLC

The Joint Leadership Council, comprised of members from the American Hackney Horse Society, American Morgan Horse Association, American Road Horse & Pony Association, American Saddlebred Horse & Breeders Association, American Saddlebred Registry and the United Professional Horsemen’s Association, are working diligently developing and implementing a plan of action to aid our horsemen/women and instructors to navigate these turbulent times.
When the Joint Leadership Council was created we obviously did not foresee this crisis, but we have been impressed by how much more effective working together has been in joint matters. The whole of the trotting horse industry is much greater than the sum of its individual parts. Let’s continue to work together and make a difference.
Andy Freseth, AHHS Representative
Maureen Quackenbush, AHHS Representative
C.A. “Tony” Lee III, AMHA President
Carrie Mortensen, AMHA Executive Director
James Nichols, ARHPA President
James Taylor, ARHPA Representative
David Mount, ASHBA Executive Director
Anna Marie Knipp, ASHBA President
Cindy Mugnier, UPHA President
Sandy Currier, Member at Large
Judy Werner, Member at Large